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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Great day, somewhat.

I didn’t wake up any merrier. I was still upset about the stupid boy, cause I’m a stupid girl. I got up around 10 and ate some breakfast and cleaned around the house. I finished around 12 or something like that and my mom asked if I could go buy some tortillas and chicharones at this mexican super marker cause she likes how they make ‘em. I wasn’t gonna refuse, and I wanted to get out the house, so I didn’t refuse. My momma told me though to dress up cause I looked ugly –__- I didn’t really care how I looked, not like I wanted someone to holla at me anyway. But I listened and put on normal clothes and left. After I picked up some of the things, I went to get the cheese at the counter and this very attractive guy was handling my cheese. While he was weighing it, he looked at me and I smiled and he smiled back. Then I took the cheese and I went to go look for the other things. I saw him twice after that, once while I was getting some sauce and then when I was leaving.

My stepdad still thinks I’m a lesbian just because I hang out with my best friend almost every weekend and my mom’s starting to get brainwashed. Great. It’s not my fault guys aren’t into me, and the only ones who are aren’t decent enough.

I hate stupid boys. But most of all, I hate for being a stupid girl.

After I came home from those errands, I went and took a nap cause naps usually help me. At around two my mom came in the room and I noticed shadows behind her. When I oppened my eyes it was mi tia Juanita, my dad, mi tia Pastora and my two beautiful sisters :D I was so surprised and confused and happy! I was so glad to see them. We ate and laughed and talked and saw the heat game and then we went to Mi tia Luz’s house and then they dropped me off and my sisters and I promised to have a sleepover soon.

I love my seeesters so much <3