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Sunday, April 4, 2010

internets back!


Sitting here…typing..when I should be doing homework…procrastination at its best. My grandma’s here and so is my sister, and I just finished watching the Proposal with my little cousins, very nice :-). But now back to the real world.

My sister’s a fatty pants. How does she not get fat?

Any who, Open Mic was a week ago and one of my friends wrote this unbelievably amazing poem and I thought I should share it here with the rest of the world. Btw, it’s good to have Barry White in the background as your reading this..just a thought ;)


(Title Not Available)


I love her…

As the sun and the flowers do each other…

But a careless whisper ruined our reunion…


To try to see myself through her eyes…

To be on both sides of the fence…

To see why things happened the way they did…

To attempt to pick up the pieces left behind by a careless whisper….


Who is she you ask…

That I would go to such lengths for her…



She’s more than what I deserve…

She’s more than what I could have hoped for…

She’s almost every time just out of my reach…


She’s my other half…

Like the radiant stars in the blunt night sky…

She’s the world…