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Friday, May 13, 2011


It feels like we’re taking our time, as if we know we have forever. I love to see your face, it just makes me all giddy inside. I always look away though, as if you see all the imperfections inside of me; I glance a look here and there.

I like that I feel so comfortable with you and that for the first time…its real. Not imaginary or a fantasy that I’ve made in my mind, but real.

I still can’t believe that it’s happening to me though, never would I have thought that this would happen to me…especially not this soon. I mean he opens doors for me, who does that anymore? And I don’t mean just opens it when we’re walking somewhere together, he walks me to my class and rushes a little to open the door for me.

I like you. I think I really do. Will this feeling last?