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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Things are never gonna be perfect

I’ve got to accept that. They just never are. Something will always go wrong because conflict is apart of human nature. Right now, I have an exceptional mother, a wonderful boyfriend, an amazing family, incredible best friends (even though I haven’t talked to diana in the longest), great aquantainces and hopefully everything goes well in school <3

My dad’s not here, and that was his choice. But I didn’t make it any better by losing the effort to care. He’s a lost soul and hopefully someday he’ll come to his sense. I’ll always be here waiting for him, waiting for him to realize that he has a daughter, and a son out there, and that he needs to change. Not just for me, but for himself. Wherever it is that you are, I love you dad. I really do. We’ve had our ups and downs and I can’t help but still love you. After all you’re my dad and somewhere deep inside of you is a loving father, I just know it.