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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cheers! *clink*

I'm staying in Miami for two more years.

How? And more importantly, why?

I've decided to pick the Honors college at Miami Dade. Running away and being away so far from home isn't the answer. My family is here in Miami and the Honors college gives me so many opportunities and it doesn't tie me down like the South Carolina scholarship would. I have a bit more freedom as to what my next move should be and I'm in a smaller classroom environment and maybe someday I can go on an internship to Ireland >:p

The point is, Miami is a melting pot of culture and I want to meet different people, so why not start small?

I'm also excited knowing my family's gonna be nearby and that I won't be missing out on too much.

After the MDC honors interview, I swore I didn't get in. I stuttered too much and the lady brought up my failed math classes. There were sooooo many applicants that wanted to get into the campus that I wanted to get into, and somehow they picked me. Thank you, God. Thank you so much.

Cheers to the future, and cheers to one of the happiest months in the year!