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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Now that my stepsisters here…

My mom is her “second mom”. She does all that a mother would do for her daughter and she actually seems happy, my mom does. And so does my stepsister.

Yesterday, she went to go buy her some uniform and then with my stepdad to go buy some school supplies. Then today she went to go pick her up at school and then some other errands. Made us lunch. All this other junk. I think its cute. My mom always laughs at all her jokes and she’s actually into all that stuff that my mom is like doing her nails and makeup and doing hair.

It’s nice that she’s here. The house isn’t as quiet as it used to be. The gaps are filled and now she’s here watching what I’m writing. Good thing that she can’t read english :p

LOL, she said something funny today. There was this roach or something and she started yelling and then was all “COMPADRE TRAIGAME EL ARME”
