- woke up at around 10 and watched the ending of Princess Diaries 2, a little of The Prince and Me, but really ended up watching Because I said So
- Laundry, cleaning my room, packing for the sleepover at Diana's and my aunts house
- bubble bath and did all mah lady things
- got dressed and ready to go to diana's
- ate lasagna, chicken, mashed potatoes, salad, and dessert at Diana's birthday dinner
- ended up going to Kaffe and Jimmy got me in, him and his fine self ^.^
- danced my happy self from the moment we got there til we left (11-1:45ish)
- i really wanted to get Jimmy's attention, I don't know what came over me. And he came over a couple times to ask how I was okay or kinda dance and then walked away cause obvs he's really busy being a promoter and all and besides he's probably 22-26 which is too old for me. But he was still oh so fine
- these guys were trying to holla at me and diana, even us sent us roses, but they were practically pedophiles with how they were looking at us and being too old
- Miccossukee after that with Diana, Ramiro, Rosa and Rosa's cousin lol he's so weird. you have to be 18 and older to be there and it was funny that Diana now being officially 18 kept getting asked for her i.d. and I wasn't even looked at :p
- we decided that our "going out" names were gonna be Gaby (Diana) and Erica (me)
- got home at 4am and didnt officially go to sleep til 5am cause I had an epiphany and then Diana started talking to Frank and it got heated, whatever.
- Epiphany: Confidence is key. What do those other girls have that I don't? You can't be apart of the game if you take yourself out, don't sell yourself short. I'm gonna stop hiding under all these layers of clothes. I started awhile ago with makeup (i rarely use foundation anymore, just mascara, concealer under my eyes and mascara) but now I gotta start loving myself for who I am and accept that my body is the way it is and God made it that way. I'm gonna improve my self-esteem issues, I'm gonna.
Say something.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 18th 2011
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scribbles in words