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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
so today? --->>>club picture day! ahh yes...if only i were in clubs. lmao nah im just in one and its not a big deal since its part of my health science scratch that out of my extracurricular activities! there goes my social life...i mean i dont mind not going out every weekend and partying with my friends, i rather be at home resting and enjoying a good ol novel...seriously. maybe someday ill party til the sun comes up and get grounded for coming home late and smelling like beer without drinking any..but for now, im a little girl in a big high school with new responsibilites, old secrets, interesting friends, semi-sucky administration in a gigantic world. --and on top of that, i plan on saving from the world...HA, jk -__- but i do want to help..PEACE out!
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