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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
so today? --->>>club picture day! ahh yes...if only i were in clubs. lmao nah im just in one and its not a big deal since its part of my health science scratch that out of my extracurricular activities! there goes my social life...i mean i dont mind not going out every weekend and partying with my friends, i rather be at home resting and enjoying a good ol novel...seriously. maybe someday ill party til the sun comes up and get grounded for coming home late and smelling like beer without drinking any..but for now, im a little girl in a big high school with new responsibilites, old secrets, interesting friends, semi-sucky administration in a gigantic world. --and on top of that, i plan on saving from the world...HA, jk -__- but i do want to help..PEACE out!
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scribbles in words

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
new year : )
Woah! i havent signed on for the longest time ever. So life's ok. im not having any problems with friends or cousins for that matter. Things have been pretty calm. My best friend or ex or whatever she is right now and I are fixing whatever was broken...but whatever...whatever happens, happens. and now the greatest joy of all, school! hehe its not THAT bad, its just midterms. they can get on your nerves..especially if u did worse than you actually thought..or better? i just hope i get no less than a B in every class to actually enjoy my long weekend 8D
well tata for blogs arent as good when textbooks surround me :P
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scribbles in words

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