so my last blog i was just...i dont know...i needed a fresh start. something new for a new 09, an improved chick thats made drastic changes in the past year. i love who i was, but i dont think id like to go back and change it for what i have. ive lost many friends and made some new ones. im trying to save some friendships that mean alot to me...friendships i can imagine myself with in a few years. i dont know where im going, i dont know where my lifes headed to, i dont know what carreer path to take and i dont know if at all im a good person..sometimes people dont need to be reminded of what they do...but loved for who they are. im not your average girl, and at this point in my life..i try to be hopeful that maybe the other side of the grass is greener, and that maybe life has a meaning after all...thats all for the start of this new blog.
much love,
just started...