just when i thought that our friendship was growing a little bit more and more from the last wreck...it came to a hauling stop when my phone rang. it was my sister informing me with information i took rather well compared to my other acts of jealousy. but ive learned that jealousy takes you nowhere and if they have friends, so do you. you know what, she can have that two-faced liar who can't seem to be straightforward even though she claims she is. and you know what sucks? this is all family related...drama never seeks to escape me. because on the other side, me and my best friend are on rocky roads right now. i guess its my fault for over-reacting, but if you had plans with your best friend, why would you exclude the fact from your mother where you were going? i just dont get it 8/ but on the bright side, im almost done with my big project and some friends are coming over from nicaragua. how exciting -_- also, winter's here :DD PLEASE LET THIS YEAR END WELL!!!!
signing off,
what the hell am i doing