Prof: Did God create everything?
Student: Yes!
Prof: If so, then God also created evil. Therefore, God is evil.
(A student stood up and ask)
Do dark exist sir?
Prof: Yes! It does.
Student: Dark doesn’t exist. Dark is only the absence of light. Just like evil, it is only the absence of God in human’s heart.
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ya feel me?
I look at all these people and I’m like damn, I need to get in shape.
But then I see food, and I’m like damn maybe tomorrow.

I had my first kiss yesterday…several times :p
But I’m horrrrrrrrible D;

Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
“Home is whenever I’m with you”
I’m ready to come home. I’m ready to come back to you.
I love you so much sdflkjdkler please forgive me

10 points for my daddy!
And his way of cheering me up :D
Lol @ him watching disney channel when no ones home.
More Lol’s @ him talking to sylvester the cat every single morning
and last lawlz at him always saying something funny/mean about my mom and her sisters “grupo pies descalsos”
lol i feel better and hopefully now I can finish this dang report!

Monday, August 8, 2011
I’ve been taking things day by day, slowly. Which is great, don’t get me wrong, but I’m a woman that needs a plan. I’m a woman that needs to know and have things set for the future. Not planning out the entire days of my life, but having some sort of goal, something I need to accomplish. Like a list! I love lists, lists are wonderful. You write down what you need to do and then you do it whenever it is that time reaches you. But lately, lists haven’t been made, again, and things haven’t been accomplished, again. I’m tired of sitting through the days without a plan in mind, just laying there. I hate it. I’m still going to take things slowly and play it as it goes, but this time I’m going to know the lyrics.
Lately, I’ve been focusing on myself too much. What I want, how I feel, what I think I need. It was almost never like that. I never used to take into myself into consideration and I used to focus my time and attention on the rest. I’m starting to see the problem though, I’m always at an extreme, there’s never a balance or an in between of where I need to be. I need to focus on myself and give myself that time off, but I also need to think of all the individuals surrounding me and take them into consideration. I’m not the only one with emotions and troubles. I sometimes forget I’m not the only one that has a bad day or suddenly been struck with the blues.
I’m going to have an invisible chart and set some time individual bonding time for my mom, my sisters, my family, my friends, my main squeeze, and myself. No more sulking around letting the blues get the best of me, time must not be wasted. There is much needed to be done and I need to take the reigns of this horse.
I’m going into my senior year of high school, the last year of secondary school, the big 1-2…and I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to be doing. I’m behind on all these summer assignments, online school isn’t going anywhere, I have all these stacks of books waiting to be opened, there’s a list of movies I still need to watch, and I have no clue on what I’m doing for college. But I’m going to stop complaining and wondering and actually gonna do something about it. Little by little, everday, I’m going to do a little bit of everything. Maybe I’ll even start to sew again, its been awhile. And of course I’ll be able to do it! Why? Because I’m setting my mind to it. No more slacking off.

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Jamaica/Grand Cayman Islands
Best trip EVER. I had an incredible time with my family, and this trip made me reconsider moving to Michigan for college. I love my family so much and its trips like this that made me realize that I wouldn’t want to spend months away in the cold without hearing from them. So much changes in a second, imagine in the time being away from them? I can’t do that to them or myself. My sisters are starting high school and so is Yoel. This is a crucial time in their lives and so many changes occur and I don’t want to be far away from them. I need them in my life, and I hope they need me to. Chris is starting the fourth grade and he’s a great kid, why would I push myself away from them? Not just them, but my mom too. All my friends, and possible future boyfriend?
I think I should stay here. Maybe Miami has more to offer than I thought…

I’m gonna stop being cocky and stop thinking about other “options”. You’re here right now and thats all that matters to me. I like you, a lot. I care about you and I would never hurt you on purpose. I’m sorry that I don’t express myself sometimes and that I don’t say whats on my mind, but I like you and I want you here right now.
I like that you don’t care what people think. I like the way you try to protect me. The way you try to be funny, which in the end is even funnier. Your cheesy jokes. The way you hold my hand and those random little kisses. Our last minutes we have together you usually spend it talking about something random. How you always try to make me laugh. Our super late late night conversations.
Why do I keep thinking of other guys when I have you right now, and you’re worthier than any guy I know. You may not be buff and tough, but I don’t need that to make me happy. I thought I did, but thats just physical and I shouldn’t care about any of that.
You make me happy. You’re the guy in my dreams. You’re the one that I miss late at night. You’re real. You’re here.